叶屋旅館 Topへ 丸子エリアMAPへ

OPEN : At any time.
CLOSE : Always open.
Fee : ¥0
Parking lot: Exist
Tel : 0268-23-5134 (公園緑地課)


 In 1585, it became the stage of the "Battle of the Maruko" at the 1st Ueda Battle. Currently it is maintained as a park, and the second Guo, which also serves as an observatory, is restored to scaffold.
 Because it is on a hill with an altitude of 685 m, go up the mountain path from Maruko Park. The difference in elevation is about 150 m and it is possible to go to the top in about 30 minutes. Please use parking lot of Maruko park for parking lot.

丸子公園 Maruko Park

安良居神社 Arai Shrine

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Maruko Erea Map

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